Teaching Beginners

Course Information

Teaching Beginners

Being a beginner is one of the best times as a student on the path of yoga. When we are a beginner, we often experience ourselves in a way that we have never sensed before. But it can also be challenging being a teacher of and teaching beginners. Because they have no preconception of yoga, they place their full attention on you and listen carefully to everything you say. This means you have to be very clear about how you instruct poses and sequence classes. One of the best ways to become a skillful teacher is to teach beginners classes.

This course will help you clarify how to guide beginners, how to determine the level of a student, the point at which they should move forward, and how to safely support them in their yoga journey.

A few of the topics we discuss at are:

  • Common misunderstandings about yoga
  • Being a beginner
  • Challenges a beginner might face
  • How to skilfully use your words
  • Building up a class/sequencing for beginners
  • Mental focus
  • Importance of breath
  • The physical practice and perception of our bodies
  • Levels
  • Yoga asana for beginners
  • Being a wise student

Bonus: When purchasing this course, you will receive one-month access to the YogaMakes online platform.