The peacefulness and healing energy of nature surrounds you here at my home retreat center, located on the shores of Lake Hjorten just outside Västervik, the land that our home retreat is on has been in our family for generations.

My grandparents built the house we live in, and this is where you will stay during your time with us. Our home overlooks the beautiful Lake Hjorten and resides next to a forest that you’re welcome to explore in any season.

Growing up I witnessed my grandparents sharing their space home with everyone. People would drop by unexpectedly, and my grandmother always had something to offer them. No one ever rang the doorbell—they simply walked in—and everyone felt welcome. My grandmother taught me to share what is beautiful rather than keeping it to myself. With a desire to share this beautiful place and in honor of my grandparents, I have opened my home and shala as a retreat center.

The house looks out over Lake Hjorten and has a large kitchen, two full bathrooms and 4 bedrooms and 2 living rooms. We have more rooms outside of the main house as our friendly neighbours rents out their houses to us as well. In 2017, we built a beautiful Yoga Shala facing the lake. It holds 21 students and has chairs, straps, bolsters, blankets and blocks. Closer to the lake is a sauna with an adjoining bedroom, and a third building houses a treatment room where we offer treatments.

Each retreat is based on a theme, and during our time together we practice and discuss various aspects of yoga and life as they relate to the weekend’s theme. 

I hope you enjoy this very special place as much as we do.

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